By using Stats4U you agree that Stats4U uses cookies for the sign in process and that Stats4U stores cookies on the computer of your users. Read more in our privacy policy.


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Privacy policy

Stats4U will never store information of our users that will lead to the identification of a single person. No one can determine the exact location of a person through Stats4U. This website just stores data about website users of our customers. (f.e. visit time, browser version, visited sites) We guarantee not to sell any data collected from any user to third parties or to use the data for marketing purposes.

Our complete website is encrypted with SSL 128bit. You can use your passwords in our registration process without worry because of MD5 "One-Way-Passwordencryption". That means that your stored password cant be decrypted any more. So, if you loose your password, we can not send you an E-Mail with your old password. You will have to set a new one. Go to our password recovery system.

Accessibility of the stats for third parties
Every registred Stats4U user decides about the accessibility of his or her stats page on Stats4U. (f.e. You can easily switch the restrictions on and off on our main page after logging in. Either in the main settings or in the advanced settings. You can even decide if some parts (f.e. the MousePlayer, Reports or the User list) are password protected or not. You can take full control of your statistics page by seeing, who has viewed your statistics.

You can configure your counter not to count yourself on your page. You can do that by adding your IP address on the main page under the link "IPs". You can even exclude whole countries from beeing counted by our counter.

Stats4U takes your privacy and the privacy of your visitors very seriously and complies with the Data Protection Act. Nearly all data that is collected by Stats4U is used for statistic generation. The rest is used to display raw data of website usage. The technical side behind Stats4U is simple - you put a HTML-Code on your website that displays a pixel which collects data about your visitors.
We collect the following data from your visitors:

According to §15 of the Telemedia Act you have the right to ask Stats4U for the data it collected about you. Simply fill out our support form and ask for the data. We will send you an overview as soon as possible.

Stats4U needs the IP-Addresses of visitors to connect to them and to send them HTML data. Beside this we need the IP-Address only for geolocating. After the connection is finished, we anonymize the IP-Addresses. For geolocation we pseudonymise IP-Addresses and check them against the GeoLite City database from

This product includes GeoLite data created by MaxMind, available from Stats4U does not store any names or addresses. The accuracy of detection is 95%.Stats4U Geolization

Our website uses cookies to determine if the visitor was on our site or not. Cookies are small text files that can be sent to browsers. Our cookies remain up to one year on the computer of the visitor. The website Stats4U sends the following cookies:
The Stats4U counter on your website sends the following cookies:
Mouse Player
Stats4U Mouse PlayerStats4U records the mouse movement of the visitors of our customers during the visit of their website. Our customers can decide if they want to share the Mouse Player videos on Stats4U or to keep them private.

Advice to your visitors
According to the european data protection rights you have to notice your visitors with the following text:

Last changed: 1.10.2012

This website uses Stats4U, a program for Website traffic analaysis. Stats4U collects data during your visit on this website and provides reports and realistic statistics about site usage and visitor count. Furthermore, Stats4U sends you cookies to identify your browser and records your mouse movements. The webmaster will be able to see how much you used each function on this website. This program also collects data about your geographical position (Country, City), browser version, browser language and operating system. You can find a complete list on Beside all this, you stay completely anonymous. By using this website you agree to the previous statements.

Your Status
Opt-Out: No
Opt-In: No
Do not track: No

Cancellation of data storage
According to §15 of the Telemedia Act you can disallow Stats4U to collect data about you as described in the "Data" paragraph. If you click on the OPT-OUT button, a small cookie with the name "s4u_optout" will be stored on your computer which will tell Stats4U not to store that data about you. You can undo the OPT-OUT option by deleting your cookies or by clicking the OPT-IN button below.

Giving consent of advanced data capture
We would be pleased to be able to serve you as a visitor more targeted offers. With Stats4U OPT-IN cookies will be remain longer on your hard disc. You allow us to use your data for market analysis and to create user profiles with pseudonymes. This consent may be revoked by deleting cookies in your browser or by clicking the OPT-OUT option.

  1. By using this website you agree that third parties (including Google) can store cookies for ad purposes on your machine.
  2. These cookies enable third parties to serve user relevant ads.
  3. You can opt out of this by visiting this site:

Diese Website benutzt Google AdSense, einen Dienst zum Einbinden von Werbeanzeigen der Google Inc. ("Google"). Google AdSense verwendet sog. "Cookies", Textdateien, die auf Ihrem Computer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website ermöglicht. Google AdSense verwendet auch so genannte "Web Beacons" (unsichtbare Grafiken). Durch diese Web Beacons können Informationen wie der Besucherverkehr auf diesen Seiten ausgewertet werden. Die durch Cookies und Web Beacons erzeugten Informationen über die Benutzung dieser Website (einschließlich Ihrer IP-Adresse) und Auslieferung von Werbeformaten werden an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Diese Informationen können von Google an Vertragspartner von Google weitergegeben werden. Google wird Ihre IP-Adresse jedoch nicht mit anderen von Ihnen gespeicherten Daten zusammenführen. Sie können die Installation der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser Software verhindern, jedoch können Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Website im vollen Umfang nutzen. Durch die Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich mit der Bearbeitung der über Sie erhobenen Daten durch Google in der zuvor beschriebenen Art und Weise und zu dem zuvor benannten Zweck einverstanden.

High grade encryption (128 Bit-key)

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