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7 Steps to Implement Stats4U into the Google Tag Manager

Autor: Tomasz Błyszczyński (27. July 2015)

When you have a Google Tag Manager Container embedded on your website, this article is for you!

This article shows you how to embed a stats counter from Stats4U into your Google Tag Manager Container. First of all let me describe the different stats counter that we have on our site.

  • 1. The invisible Counter

  • Stats4U offers an invisible counter. When you go to the main page of Stats4U.net you can pick an invisible counter right away. Select wether you want to have a stats icon which will open your statistics when you click on it or wether not:

2. Stats Counter with Visitor count

You can implement a real "counter" on your site which will increase with each visit.
When you pick a counter with image you will get an output on your website, wherever you have implemented the Google Tag Manager Container:

We recommend to use the first option with the Google Tag Manager because you can have the GTM implemented in various places and can't control where your Stats image will be shown.

Pass the code to the Tag Manager

When you've picked your counter style you can simply pass the code into the Google Tag Manager.

1. Copy the desired code:

2. Create a new Tag in your Container

3. Choose "Custom HTML Code":

4. Paste the copied Stats4U Code into the Tag

5. Pick document write

6. Select firing rule "All pages"

7. Save & Publish!

You are now ready and set up! Your counter is now tracking the visitors on your site.
Check back on our blog for more insights and features in the future!


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